Christ the King - St. Stephen Parish

Come Celebrate with Us

Christ the King Campus

Monday - Friday

9:00am (livestreamed)

First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Mass

5:00 PM - 6:00PM, Mass at  6:00 PM  (exposition and Mass livestreamed)


9:00 AM & 4:00 PM Vigil Mass

(both Masses livestreamed)

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Confessions


7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, and 4:00 PM

(10:30 AM Mass livestreamed)

St. Stephen Campus

Monday - Friday

8:00 AM


5:00 PM

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM Confessions


9:30 AM

Our Doors Are Open

Whether you're new to the area, looking for a new spiritual home, or just visiting we're glad you've come to join us here at Christ the King - St. Stephen.

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Weekly Bulletin

Our bulletins are a snapshot of what's happening at Christ the King - St. Stephen.  You'll find everything from Fr. Paulson's letter to what's happening with Youth Ministry.

Staying Connected

Dear Friends,

I am so happy to celebrate First Holy Communion with our children in the coming weeks. I consider those celebrations as moments of grace both for our parish community and the families of our children. For children who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion, this is a big deal. And for all of us, no matter how many times we have received Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, it should always be a big deal. I want to direct the following paragraphs to the parents of our First Communicants. (Taken from Timothy O’Malley).

“Of course, we don't have to point out to you that your child is a gift. You know this most of all. You have held your newborn son or daughter in your arms. You have laughed at their earliest attempts to dance in the living room, bouncing up and down with joy. You have delighted in their developing sense of humor. You love them. And they serve for you as a daily reminder of the joyful gift of life itself.

 The Church also has seen your child develop with joy. We at Christ the King – St. Stephen watched as your son or daughter was baptized in our midst. We have been overjoyed to see them here among us on Sundays and major feast days. We love them as our brothers and sisters in Christ, who remind us of the joy and wonder that should be part and parcel of the Christian life.

When your children were very young, they thought that you could love them completely. Of course, you do love them completely. But they wanted the kind of love that you could not give them, that no human being could give them. They wanted you to love them so much that you never failed them, never departed from them, were always and forever and ever and ever there.

That's why they barged into your room in the middle of the night, demanding that you come sleep with them. That's why they came back to you again and again for hugs in the midst of playing. That's why they still get sad if they're away from you for too long. They want to be infinitely loved.

But you can't love like this. You already know this. You can't take away every sadness or sorrow from the life of your son or daughter. You can't promise them a world where there won't be disappointments. You can't love them, care for them, as much as you want to. You can't love them infinitely. It's impossible.

But God can. And that's the gift of their First Communion. At every Mass, Jesus becomes entirely and absolutely present among us. Jesus Christ, who is God's total and absolute Love made flesh. Human beings alone can't love like this. Yet, in the Eucharist, we receive Christ's Body and Blood so that we can experience this kind of infinite love.

“The love that we desire more than anything at all is given to us, to become one with us through eating and drinking, and to change us forever into this very same gift of love for the world.

This is a day to remember, and I hope you will make special memories of love for your child. Their first encounter with Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist. While addressing a group of First Communion children, Pope Francis told them: “Remember that this is the sacrament of your First Communion, not your last! Remember too, that Jesus is always there, waiting for you. I hope that today will be the beginning of many Communions, so that your hearts may always, like today, be festive, full of joy and, above all else, gratitude.”

Lastly, please continue to register your children for Religious Education. You have given them the gift of the Eucharist, and through continued education, may their faith grow.

~Fr. Paulson

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What's Happening at Christ the King - St. Stephen

  • Pope Francis's "The Joy of the Gospel" Discussion

    In May we will discuss Pope Francis's The Joy of the Gospel. with Jeannette Holmes

    Mondays: 10:30 - 11:30am

    • May 6, Chapters 1 and 2
    • May 13, Chapter 3
    • May 20, Chapters 4 and 5

    All sessions will be held in the Christ the King Ministry Center Chapel.

  • Presentation of “Our Father” By Fr. Paulson

    In this presentation Fr. Paulson examines the six petitions of the Lord’s Prayer.


    This series is specifically designed for the Catholic community and will provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of this important prayer. 

    On Thursdays:  April 18, 25, May 2, 9 and 16


    St. Stephen Parish Hall - 10:00 AM

    Christ the King Church - 7:00 PM

    No Registration Required

  • Coffee and donuts after Mass

    Sunday Coffee & Donuts continues after select masses until June 2nd at both our worship sites.


    Christ the King: Join us after the 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM masses on the outside patio.

    St. Stephen: Join us after the 9:30 AM Mass in the parish hall.

Livestreamed Masses

The following Masses are livestreamed for those who are unable to celebrate with us.

Christ the King Campus
Monday - Friday

9:00am (and livestreamed)

First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Mass

5:00pm - 6:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by Mass

4:00pm Vigil Mass


Staying Connected Archive

View the last 4 editions of Staying Connected

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Christ the King Church

199 Brandon Rd, Pleasant Hill CA

St. Stephen Church

1101 Keaveny Ct, Walnut Creek, CA

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